Tag Archives: rhyming

Let us rhyme, just for a time..

Well, well, what have we here?
Has there ever been such a sight to fear?
Quick, run for your lives,
Hide your children, your wives,
For the beast has arrived,
Menfolk, sharpen your knives

I like rhyming. But that doesn’t make me a big fan of rhyming poetry. Oh no. There are a few rhymers that I enjoy.. Michael Rosen and Roger McGough are the first two who spring to mind (and they are the first two poets I ever read, funnily enough), but I can’t stand needless rhyming. You know, the type they do in pop songs and the like, what I call ‘school-boy’ writing.

I like making up quick, silly rhymes in my head though. And then trying to get them written down as quickly as possible. There is a stack of them, written on scraps of paper, old envelopes, new envelopes, etc..

I’m not a hoarder, oh no, not me
It’s only stuff that you can see
I just don’t like to throw away
Things I can use another day

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